Difference between Mobile Wallet and Point Of Sale Wallet

  • Mobile wallet is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: a “wallet” that lives on your mobile device instead of in your back pocket.
  • It provides a convenient way to pay for goods and services with your smartphone, smartwatch or another compatible device, like a tablet.
  • It can manage all your credit cards, loyalty club memberships and reward cards, and it may help to reduce fraud, too, as mobile wallets are generally harder to steal or copy than physical cards and Cash
  • You can access a mobile wallet through several smartphone apps
  • Using a mobile wallet could pose security concerns and be HACKED if you loose or have your phone stolen and in SA that is a major concern.
  • If you don’t have your physical wallet with you and your phone is lost of stolen You are screwed. The defeats the object by having your physical wallet on your person. 
  • A POS-Wallet is an independent Point Of Sale wallet. Ideal as a plugin to any existing POS system for retailers
  • POS-wallet can be used as an Independent wallet for a Closed User Groups like Food Franchises, Clubs, Schools and Universities and much more.
  • The Wallet can be created for cross purpose between user groups.
  • The POS-wallet will have all your card details through gateways encryption for security giving you piece of mind if you lose your phone or physical wallet as access can be via biometrics or Pin code.
  • With your wallet you can set budgets for each outlet keeping your expenditure to your budget. Including receiving of monthly or weekly statement from the POS-wallet.
  • This will automatically be linked to any LOYALTY PROGRAM at the various retailers or closed user group. Making it convenient for you not to carry tons of loyalty cards.
  • There will be an APP from play store with a QR code, PIN or Biometrics to access the POS-wallet for transferring of funds to the wallet or make payment at any time.
  • As a POS-wallet operator. You will have access to all BI information allowing you to create direct marketing strategies
  • What needs to be understood is that POS-wallet is fully FLEXIBLE and not a One Size Fits all. 

The only logical wallet system is a POS-WALLET.

Fast, Easy and Piece of Mind.

Where would you likely find the wallet availability:

  • Retail stores like Food & Clothing
  • Travel Agents and Airports
  • Restuarant’s and Take Aways
  • Entertainment
  • Sports clubs like – Golf
  • Schools & Universities
  • Car parts and Accessories
  • Furniture retailers
  • Utilities and Airtime
  • and much more


Point Of Sales wallet from POSWALLET.CO.ZA

The First POS-wallet in South Africa and possibly world wide. Assures you of top security and convenience. POS-WALLET is a SOUTH AFRICAN initiative and Digital Africa is a business partner to this product. 
The main Advantages for any outlet is Customer Retention through LOYALTY PROGRAMS designed for your market and great Business Intelligence Information ideal for direct marketing to the customer and understanding buying trends. 

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